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6 ISLANDS Screens: Liberty in a Soup (2016) by Dudley Alexis

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We often talk about the word 'decolonization', but what does it mean and why is it important to us from ABCSSS communities? For the rest of the year we will be exploring this question under the theme: 'Practices of Decolonization in the Caribbean'.

We will be watching different documentaries and talking through our own ideas and practices of decolonization, starting with the documentary 'Liberty in a Soup' by Haitian filmmaker Dudley Alexis. Where better to start with a discussion about decolonization then in Haiti?

The virtual event will start with a screening of the documentary 'Liberty in a Soup' and will be followed by an interactive after-talk about food practices and decolonization.

Description from
"Every New Year, and in celebration of their Independence, Haitian families gather together to feast in honor of a line of ancestors that fought for their freedom. The centerpiece of the festivity is the 'Joumou' soup—a traditional soup dating back centuries ago. The 'Joumou' soup is a concretization of war and victory, oppression and emancipation, and the deeply rooted celebratory traditions of the Haitian culture"

Trailer ‘Liberty in a Soup’ (2016) by Dudley Alexis

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