[Papiamento and Papiamentu below English]
After months of keeping y'all waiting, we are finally releasing the first edition of the 6(ISLA)(NDS) zine! The mission of 6 (ISLA)(NDS) is to create space to talk about our colonial past and the traces that it has left within our communities. We want to do this in a way that is creative and enjoyable. So, expect snacks, laughs, maybe some tears, and being hands-on.
During the event, we will be introducing who we are, what we stand for and why we choose this zine. Come join us, especially Black and People of color from the ABCSSS islands.
This event is free as we hope to spread the word. We will be selling the zines for €5 so bring some ca$h.
We look forward to seeing you at the S/ash Gallery!
LOCATION: WORM S/ash Gallery
Boomgaardsstraat 69
3012XA Rotterdam, Netherlands
15.00 -15:30 Doors open
15.00 - 16:45 Zine presenting, performances and sharing
16:45 - 17:15 snacks + drinks
17:15 - 18:30 Mini zine Workshop
Please RSVP via email: 6islands.abcsss@gmail.com
Despues di lunanan cu nos a tene boso na liña, nos di 6 (ISLA)(NDS) por fin lo introduci e prome edicion di e zine! E mision di 6 (ISLA)(NDS) ta pa habri porta pa papia tocante nos pasado colonial y e rastronan cu esaki a laga atras den nos comunidadnan. Nos kier haci esaki na un manera creativo y dibertido. Dus bo por conta riba un atardi cu harimento, snacks, kisas poco aw'i wowo aki aya, y ta 'manos a la obra'!
Durante e evento nos lo conta ken nos ta, kiko nos ta para p’e cu 6 (ISLA)(NDS) y pakiko nos a scohe pa un zine. Bini un, bini tur, specialmente Hende Preto y di Color descendiente di ABCSSS.
E atardi aki lo ta yena cu charla, intercambio di experiencianan y un workshop unda nos lo traha nos mesun mini-zine. E entrada ta gratis y nos ta spera di wak bosonan na S/ash Gallery.
RSVP via email: 6islands.abcsss@gmail.com
Despues di lunas di tene boso nan na lina, porfin nos di 6 (ISLA)(NDS) ta introdusi e prome edison di e zine! E mishon di 6 (ISLA)(NDS) ta pa habri porta pa papia tokante di nos pasado kolonial i e rastronan ku e a laga atras den nos komunidadnan. Nos ke hasi esaki na un manera kreativo i dibertido, dus bo por konta riba un atardi yena ku harimentu, kisas un poko yoramentu i some hands on action!
Durante di e evento lo konta bosonan ken nos ta, ki nos ta para pe i dikon nos a skohe pa un zine.
Bini un i bin tur pa, speshalemte hende pretu i di kolo desendiente di ABCSSS.
E atardi lo ta yena ku charla, interkambio di eksperensia i un workshop kaminda nos lo tra nos mes minizine. E entrada ta gratis y nos ta spera di wak bosonan na S/ash Gallery.
RSVP via email: 6islands.abcsss@gmail.com